
We are the faves

Various kind of people gathered to become us.
We are now growing together.

One One Senior Software Engineer / Founder Senior Software Engineer / Founder

Urban Farmer


Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2019, Body Building)

생활스포츠지도사 (2019, 보디빌딩)

Simon Simon Chief Business Officer / Director Chief Business Officer / Director

Last 30 years Im continuing on diet

30년째 다이어트 중

Psy Psy Senior Software Engineer / Creative Director Senior Software Engineer / Creative Director

King of walking


Bottle Bottle Senior Software Engineer / Pro Senior Software Engineer / Pro

Yoga rookie RORO PAPA

요가 잔챙이 로로아빠

Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2020, Body building)

생활스포츠지도사 (2020, 보디빌딩)

Chloe Chloe Senior Software Engineer / Pro Senior Software Engineer / Pro

I’m kind of shy

파워 낯가림

Girgir Girgir Senior Software Engineer / Pro Senior Software Engineer / Pro

Timid hiphop lover

소심한 힙합퍼

Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2021, Body building)

생활스포츠지도사 필기합격 (2021, 보디빌딩)

Cu Cu Senior Software Engineer / Pro Senior Software Engineer / Pro

Vinyl Collector

바이닐 수집가

Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2024, Body building)

생활스포츠지도사 필기합격 (2024, 보디빌딩)

Rowan Rowan Senior Software Engineer / Pro Senior Software Engineer / Pro

Dancing infp

춤쟁이 인프피

Certificate of Engineer Information Processing


Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2023, Body building)

생활스포츠지도사 필기합격 (2023, 보디빌딩)

Dori Dori Software Engineer / Pro Software Engineer / Pro

I wanna a be a billionaire

내 꿈은 억만장자

Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2021, Body building)

생활스포츠지도사 필기합격 (2021, 보디빌딩)

Bibi Bibi Senior Software Engineer / Pro Senior Software Engineer / Pro

Please don’t ask me what’s wrong because I don’t know the answer either.

결정이 어려운 좋아요봇

Peter Peter Project Manager / Pro Project Manager / Pro

Ex beat composer

전직 비트메이커

Certificate of Life Sports Instructor (2023, Body building)

생활스포츠지도사 필기합격 (2023, 보디빌딩)

Aspyn Aspyn Project Manager / Pro Project Manager / Pro

Always be coconut Hard from outside but Soft from inside

겉은 스리라차 속은 마요네즈

Camila Camila Software Engineer / Pro Software Engineer / Pro

Chatty Mermaid at Sinsa-station

신사역 돌고래

Hye Hye Software Engineer / Pro Software Engineer / Pro

A Martian with a cosmic craving for pizza

피자를 좋아하는 화성인

Certificate of Engineer Information Processing
